
How to deal with insults

We have all been insulted at one time or another, how we handle this is our choice. Next time somebody insults you, try some of these strategies. See the human side of the situation...

Silence gives us a new look on life

« Silence gives us a new look on life. » Many are afraid of silence because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Consequently, they try to fill up moments of solitude with constant noise such as television,...

Open up to others to be happy

« The only real happiness is the happiness that we give. » The idea that we have of happiness is often more or less related to possessions (money, house, cars, etc.) or social success (high-ranking position,...

Seeing Difficult Situations Differently

« If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. », Wayne Dyer Too often, we suffer needlessly because we cling to a certain way of seeing things. You will...